Love, Joy, Peace...

Luke 4:1-13

-It was the “habit” of Christ to overcome temptation by knowledge of the Scriptures. He knew them so well; he was even able to see where Satan was misusing them! (v.10-12; 2 Peter 3:15-16)

-Satan’s temptations and deceptions will be something we battle day-in and day-out, overcoming them means building the Christ-like habit of answering the temptations with the Word of God.

Q: What kinds of temptations does Satan bait you with? How can Scripture help you overcome?

Psalm 1:1-3

-The Bible does not actually say that we should have a “Quiet Time” everyday- it actually goes much further! The blessed man is the one who meditates on God’s word day and night (not just for 30 minutes in the morning)!

Q: What is the difference between “meditation” and “just reading”?

Q: How has meditation on the Word led you to “prosperity” in your life (v.3)?

Psalm 119:9-10 

-Keeping a pure and upright life comes from hiding God’s word in your heart 

-Jesus teaches us that man’s heart is a source of sinfulness (Mark 7). Our hearts are changed by the work of the Holy Spirit and by “hiding God’s word in our hearts” we can take preventive measures to keep us from sinning

-Psalm 119 is the longest chapter of the Bible extols the benefits and virtues of God’s Word

Psalm 119:59-60

-We should not delay to obey God’s commands 

-Bible study is rendered worthless if we do not put what we learn/know into practice (James 1:22-25)

Q: What are some reasons why you might “delay” to obey God’s commands?

Acts 8: 26-29

-The Ethiopian Eunuch was a busy, important man who found the time to study God’s word.

Q: How does the eunuch demonstrate his heart to know God’s Word?


-Decide in advance what you want to study.


-Study one book of the Bible (read, outline, study)

-Study a section of a book (i.e. Sermon on the Mount, Last Supper, etc.)

-Study one topic using a concordance (i.e. Grace, faith, impurity, etc.)

-Study the life of one character (Abraham, Moses, David, Ruth, etc.)

-Study out a sermon you’ve heard. Be a Berean (Acts 17: 11).

-Ask a question you don’t know the answer to and dig for an answer.

-Read out loud

-Read different translations (ESV, NET)

-Use a notebook to write down thoughts and questions about your Bible study.

-Share what you are learning with others.

Spiritual Exercise: Learn to use a concordance and any study tools that will complement your Bible study.

Our Mission
To Make, Mature & Mobilize Disciple-Makers In Relational Environments.
Kanawha Valley Church
1565 Smith Road
Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 410-3687
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