When we meet as a church, we share in many things together. These next two studies explain the biblical reasons of why we do what we do.
Ephesians 5:18-20
-Singing fills us with the Holy Spirit
-We actually speak to one another as we sing
-Our attitude should be joyful and thankful
Colossians 3:16-17
-Singing is a way of letting the word of Christ dwell among us
-Most songs have Scriptural grounds so we are actually singing the Bible!
I Corinthians 14:15
-We are to sing with our spirit, which means we are excited, joyful and fired up!
-We are also to sing with our minds, thinking about the words and allowing them to move our hearts
Ezra 7:10, Nehemiah 8:1-6
-It was an intricate part of God’s people
Malachi 3:16-18
-God is honored as we are moved to decisions through preaching
-It is a great time to make solid decisions to change
-Note Taking – The opportunity to carefully examine the sermons afterwards like the Bereans (Acts 17:11-12)
Acts 20:7
-It appears from the evidence of the New Testament and that of early church history that the disciples broke bread together at least once a week.
Luke 22:14-20
-The Passover was a CELEBRATION of how God rescued his people. Communion serves the same purpose for us today.
-It is an opportunity to reflect on God’s love and mercy and how he has rescued us.
-The bread – representative of Christ’s body, broken for his people
-The wine/juice – representative of Christ’s blood, poured out for his people
-By taking communion we (1) acknowledge/remember Christ’s sacrifice for us and (2) reconfirm the covenant relationship that he established with us. (3) we celebrate/give thanks for being rescued by God.
1 Corinthians 11: 23-30
-Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper. His instructions were clear: “do this in remembrance of me.” Christ’s sacrifice and covenant are holy and precious. The Bible teaches us that taking communion calls for self-reflection and unity among the believers.
Before taking communion, reflect on the following:
-Is there lingering sin I ought to confess?
-Is there a relationship in the church that needs to be mended?
Malachi 3:16-18
-Fellowship should be filled with discussion about responses to the time of worship
-This provides prayer (James 5:16-17), accountability and encouragement
John 15:9-12
-God has made a direct spiritual connection between our love for one another and our connection to Him!
-Fellowship is a great time to bond and open our hearts to each other (II Corinthians 6:11-13)
-Fellowship is also a great time to plan time together outside of church (Acts 2:46, Romans 12:13, 2 John 1:12)
Spiritual Exercise: During the next Sunday worship service, think about the words to the songs as you sing. Also share a decision that you have made from the sermon with another disciple.