Love, Joy, Peace...

The ASCD Method

Ask - Matthew 9:36-38

-Jesus was moved to compassion when he saw the condition of their lives. Being a disciple-maker is an extension of Christ's compassion and that is what should motivate our outreach.

-As we intentionally engage in the work of making disciples, we are not doing something “for” God, we are doing something “with” God! 

-Disciple-making is the work of God through the Holy Spirit so we must begin all intentional work int the harvest field with prayer!

Practical - Create a prayer list:

-For God to send workers into the harvest field. 

-For you to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a worker in the harvest field. 

-For individuals that you want to partner with God in moving them towards becoming disciples (family, friends, etc). 

-For opportunities to connect with people on whom God is already working and they are responding. 

Share - I Thessalonians 2:7-13

-Paul and his friends built real friendships with the people of this city. 

-Love is the bridge over which truth travels. 

Share Friendship

Matthew 10:11-14

-Jesus said to look for “worthy” or balanced people. This is people who are open to friendship and doing life together. 

-This means that they respond to invitation as well as initiate connecting. You shouldn’t feel like you are chasing a person. 

-Spending time together is the only way to build a real friendship so find ways to connect that are common activities - i.e. eating, hobbies, projects, studying, leisure activities

Share Your Life

II Corinthians 6:11-13

-Real friendships mean opening up beyond the surface level. 

-A good guide for depth of communication is…

L1: Facts

L2: Opinions

L3: Personal thoughts, feelings and experiences

L4: Intimate thoughts, feelings and experiences

-As the friendship deepens being vulnerable and opening your heart on these deeper levels builds trust and connection.

Share Your Example

I Thessalonians 2:10

-As you are spend time together, be an authentic disciple of Jesus!

-Set an example in righteousness (I Timothy 4:12) while together. You’d be amazed by how much this affects people.

Share Your Faith

I Thessalonians 2:13

-As the relationship develops your faith will naturally come out as you Share Your Example. It is also natural to inquire about their faith journey and thoughts. As you do so offer to ally with them if they are seeking God.

Some ways to do this…

-Ask them if they know how to build a connection with God and offer to help.

-Offer to spend time with God together in prayer.

-Offer to study the Bible together  i.e. Discover Bible Studies.

-As their faith develops it is appropriate to invite them to add a “teach them to obey” (Matthew 28:20) dynamic to the relationship where there is an intentionality about helping them apply Jesus’ teachings in their life.

-This takes the step beyond sharing Jesus’ teachings and adds accountability and help learning how to really apply this new lifestyle.

Connect - Acts 2:42-47

-People’s experience of God and his message is limited until they see it fulfilled in the body of Christ. It is important to intentionally find opportunities to connect our friends with the church so that the can experience the community of faith.

Connect Through Fun

-Fun activities are great ways for people to meet the church in a “safe” environment. This also allows them to have multiple acquaintances if/when they attend a spiritual meeting so they feel less awkward.

-Some examples of this are playing sports, parties, cook-outs, dinners, game nights, etc.

-Be intentional at planning events to connect friends to the church.

Connect Through Special Events

-The church hosts several events each year that offer easy opportunities to invite people who may not consider a “normal” service. These are great to capitalize on by being intentional about inviting friends.

Connect Through Spiritual Meetings

-Church services, Bible Talks, Small Group Meetings and other spiritual meetings are great opportunities to invite friends to.

Decide - Matthew 28:18-20

-As your friend’s faith grows there comes a point where they will be ready to consider making a decision to be a Jesus follower and be baptized.

-This may take an intentional conversation asking them where they are in making that decision.

-At this point you can offer to invite an experienced disciple to lead the Follow Study Series in order to lay a strong Biblical foundation for their decision.

Challenge: How can you begin to use the ASCD Method to be a disciple-maker in your context? 

Our Mission
To Make, Mature & Mobilize Disciple-Makers In Relational Environments.
Kanawha Valley Church
1565 Smith Road
Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 410-3687
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