Love, Joy, Peace...
Some questions before you begin:  
-How has your repentance (life change) been going? What has  been difficult?  
-Have you been living like a disciple? (Studying the word and  praying regularly, sharing your faith and meeting with the body?)  

Acts 2:36-41  
-Last study looked at the repentance part of Peter's instructions. This study looks at baptism.
-What is baptism mean to you? Other people?

-Baptism means "to immerse"
-When a believer repents and gets baptized what two promises do they receive?  
-Remember, sin is the only thing separating us from God, so what  does it mean when we receive forgiveness of sin at baptism?  
-The Holy Spirit is called a seal of salvation (Ephesians 1:13). What  then is the significance of receiving the Holy Spirit at baptism?  
2:39 introduces covenant language with the word “promise”. How are people today specifically included in this new covenant of salvation?  
2:40 makes it clear that Peter’s intention with this message is salvation for all who hear and obey.  
2:41 shows us one more promise that we receive when we  believe, repent and get baptized. We are added to the church! 

Romans 6:1-5  
-According to this passage, what are we doing at baptism? What is the effect of baptism in this passage? 

Colossians 2:11-13  
-We often hear that we are, “saved by faith.” How does this  passage tie faith and baptism together?  

Acts 22:1-16  
-This is Paul (who wrote Romans) becoming a Christian. He hated Christianity and was on his way to persecute Christians! 
In review, there are Five Parts of Salvation in the New Testament: 
1. Hear the Message of Jesus
2. Believe the Message (Faith) 
3. Repent 
4. Confess, “Jesus is Lord” (Romans 10:9) 
5. Baptism 
-Where in this story do you see Paul experiencing all five of these  steps?  
-At what point are his sins forgiven? (Hint: Check 22:16!) What  does this show us about the significance of baptism? 

Other Passages About Baptism  
-Ephesians 4:4-6 
-1 Peter 3:18-21  
-Acts 19:1-5 
-Acts 8:26-40  

The decision to be baptized can be difficult. Have an open and  honest discussion with your Bible study partner if you have  questions. This is a great opportunity to be sure that you have  “fulfilled all righteousness.” 

1 Corinthians 15:17  
-Imagine: What if Christ did not actually die but only passed out?  That would mean he did not really rise from the dead to new life.  There would be no salvation.  
-What happens when we try to receive new life but we haven’t truly died to our old lives? Can there be salvation?  
-Conversion means that we who believe have fully died to sin (repentance), have been buried with him (baptism), and have  raised to a whole new life by the power of the cross and  resurrection. If any of those pieces are missing in your life, now is the time to make things right!  

Key Questions:  
-Have you been saved the same way that the Bible teaches salvation? If not, finish repenting so you can get baptized as soon as possible.  
-Start talking with your study partner about when you will get  baptized or added to the church membership.  
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To Make, Mature & Mobilize Disciple-Makers In Relational Environments.
Kanawha Valley Church
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Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 410-3687
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